After the great success of the last edition of Paris International Street Photo Awards where we reached a participation record. And after the acclaimed major exhibition we organized in the Emirates in partnership with the Xposure photo festival, or let us recall, no less than 85 street photographers who participated in our PISPA photo competition saw their photo printed on Fine Art paper in large format, framed and exhibited for 9 days.
After having honored three major winners and given several photographers the chance to exhibit for the first time, we are back this year with a renewed ambition and a firm determination to move forward in our strategy of giving more visibility to Street Photography by showcasing the best emerging talents in the discipline. All with a new packaging that we hope will please the photographers who wish to participate in our competition this year.
New year, new partnership :
We are pleased to announce to the photographers of our community that this year we have concluded a key partnership with the center specialized in contemporary photography MAGAZZINI FOTOGRAFICI in order to organize a large exhibition of all our winners, special mentions and finalists. Exhibition to be held from September 18 to 21, 2025 in the city of Naples.
Naples, Napoli, a MUST-SEE destination for Street Photography where « Tutto Passa » :
What could be better than organizing a major exhibition in this city that has become an essential stopover for lovers of street photography, as the funny and photogenic situations follow one another and appear on every street corner of Naples, whether in the old city center, Quartieri Spagnoli, Santa Lucia or the famous Piazza Dante.
We are therefore very happy to be able to invite our future winners, special mentions and finalists to come and participate with us in this great event to share between photographers who love Street photography, their passion and their experiences for 3 days. In addition to the major exhibition that will be the heart of the festival that we will organize, there will also be conferences, workshops and portfolio readings... In addition to enjoying a magnificent setting for a holiday in the Bay of Naples Italy, and its magnificent region (Marechiaro, Capri, Ischia...).
Exhibit your work in Rome, italy :
This is a photo festival that gives great importance to Street Photography and takes place every year in Vila Altieri. An emblematic place in the city of Rome now dedicated to the promotion of Art. This festival will do us the honor in 2025 of exhibiting the works of the three great winners of our competition so that their photographs can be exported and circulated the year following their consecrations.
Snap Collective, renewed partnership:
This is a partnership that we introduced last year with the aim of giving our two great winners the opportunity to print their first monograph, entirely supported by our partner publishing house Snap Collective. To our great surprise, Snap Collective went even beyond the objective we had set for it, which was to print the work of our two grand prizewinners in a Coffee Table Book, to the extent that this publishing house specializing in Print On Demand also printed the books of 5 other street photographers who are : Charlotte Stone, Txomin Rodriguez, Bernd Wickermeier, Matias Fuentes, and Jaejoon Ha. Street photographers who all have in common that they participated in our Paris International Street Photo Awards photo contest. We are therefore proud and happy to continue this adventure with this loyal and promising partner who, thanks to our work, now gives more space to street photography in its catalogue.
Be on the cover of a major contemporary photo magazine:
One of the two grand prizewinners, whether it is the street photographer of the year 2024, or the best Street Photo project will be on the cover of the photo magazine FotoSlovo which is now our partner.
And that's not all:
The works of the two grand prize winners will also be published in another magazine which is also our partner, Openeye, a magazine whose editorial line is focused on contemporary photography, and which now gives more and more space to Street Photography.
The opinion of Editor-In-Chief of Openeye Mag about Street Photography :
If we think about it, street photography is the essence of real photography. This is the photo in its purest state, without any artifice. It is the instantaneous taking of images in the urban setting, streets, railway stations, squares... everywhere men find themselves in the cities. It is the instant image of life, without filter and without embellishment. These are images that also show the great feelings: joy, love, pain, fear, hatred, death...
Interview of Cenk Erdogan, the "Best Street Photo project" 2023
Hello Cenk, you are the "Best Street Photo project" 2023. What do you think about being selected as a winner among hundreds of other photographers ?
It was a surprise for me. I shared the good news with my family and friends. Winning in such a large-scale competition is both prideful and motivating. Now, I am even more eager to work on the series that I want to create and share with people.
Read the complete Interview

Why participating in a photo contest is an important step for a Street Photographer's CV ?
We really want you to be motivated by unleashing your talent, improving your skills, by connecting with our large community of beginner, expert and renowned PISPA street photographers.
Don't keep your photos just for you thinking that your work is still not mature or not ready enough to be shown in public ! Having such a kind of mindset can be damaging to your photographic self-esteem for the middle, long term.

Our years of experience doing photo contests has taught us that almost all photographers in some moment experience that paralyzing feeling of never being ready.
Those who succeed are those who are going one steep further believing that a street photo journey is a learning process like in any other fields.
The reason why at a given moment they stop being shy by taking the effective action of submitting their work to be seen by other photographers and evaluated by jury experts.
We believe that the confrontation of ideas and the comparison of talents is an effective way and a short path to success. Is it probably the best way that exists, to progress and increase your skills as quickly as possible.
For this, what could be better than participating in one of the best competitions in the world dedicated to street photography.
An exceptional edition, an exceptional jury:
As every two years, a good part of our jury changes in order to bring freshness and incorporate new profiles with innovative perspectives. What does not change is our commitment to build an inclusive jury with a certain parity at each edition, which this year is respected to the letter insofar as there are 5 women with exceptional profiles and 5 men with rich and experienced backgrounds. Who all have in common being fine connoisseurs of the world of contemporary photography with for many of them a sharp expertise in Street Photography as they master the past history but also current trends. Which does not make us doubt for a moment their qualities and what amply qualifies them to provide an informed judgment on the files of the candidate photographers.
Interview of our Premium Juror, ParÃs Chong Director of Leica Gallery Los Angeles
You are curator, gallerist and the director of the Leica gallery LA…Can you tell us more about your background who lead you to be such a multi functional person and how you became that influential in the world of art and photography ?
This all organically happened for me. I started off as a photographic model in London and was photographed by the legendary David Bailey. I began my career in front of the camera and instead of going behind it, I decided to showcase art and guide the artists.
Read the complete Interview